Planning amendment process document
Planning amendment process document describing information of production schedule modification in quantity or process sequence is managed.
Planning amendment process documents are prepared to managing records of production planning and planned schedule for production, manpower managed, machinery and equipment are managed for production lines are modification, add, remove or change on internal request, management command or customer requested to change the process concern change, internal process sequences change or modification or quantity change are managed as planned for production lines for particular date and time with machine and equipment set up organized. Once the setup of each equipment and machinery are managed by production planning department, and management, internal department head or customer had request to change anything as want by customer that need to change / amend production lines, schedules and planning prepared to conducting production processes are need to amend accordingly, the internal system for the sudden or accidentally amendment should be managed by amendment and roll out new amended production plan should be redistribute in each production lines and departments is necessary to stop running processes and amend the schedule as revised production planning as instructions of management. The system should also allow this process is can raise as opposite factor for production lines that generally pre-preparation and department individually planning must conducted, scheduled each machine, equipment and managed manpower are disturb due to amendment raised by production planning department, and each activity should be needs to reviews by production manager and concern supervisor for re-arrangement of each resources available with manufacturing facility, so it can rise confusions, disturbance & burden to concern authority of production hence the production planning team should be well aware of situation and handling of amendment in production lines, so its important that system should be strong enough to manage immediate amendment due to any source.
Planning amendment process documentation are conducted by production planning department on internal department request and approved by management for conducted so as, management instructions or customer requests for amendment for particular product, tasks, process sequence or loading quantity on approvals of management, overall the production planning amendment is conducted on approvals of management but the source of amendment can be various or any cases. Planning department is responsible for managing documentation and concern records, for the conducting planning amendment processes need to prepared planning amendment sheet or record, see picture below given as example format of planning amendment record for education purpose:

Production / manufacturing planning amendment documents are handled by production planning department to managing information and records to analysis for better performance of planning to immediate actions, interactions with each concern department to production, managing amended information & documentation and revisions of amend sheet reach to each concern department for system sustain. The documentation for the production planning, amendment, records and its analysis documents are handled, storage and disposal process conducted as per documentation system.