Performance Improvement sheet – Kaizen
Kaizen project performance improvement is continual process are managed to improve individual performance to comply Kaizen project requirements for overall achievement as defined goals. Performance improvement sheet is defines the information of each improvement stages.
Overview to Kaizen performance improvement
Kaizen performance improvement is conducted to deploying monitoring system on the performance to measure the levels and improvement percentages of each activities. The overall performance and individual workplaces improvement are measure and identify the requirements at the appropriate locations, processes and activities. The purpose of the processes of monitoring is to establish the continual improvement for each workplace through monitoring and controls over the activities, and performance of team.
Who will implement:
Kaizen performance improvement process is conducted by Kaizen team leader /or team itself.
What implement:
Kaizen performance improvement process conducts, to ensure that all the implementation points and deployed target key performance indicators that are objectives and efforts as well as system requirements. The main purpose of the implementation is to keep objectives for Kaizen for performance improvement.
Kaizen performance improvement is team effort, conducted by team leader or team itself. The process deploy in the regular tasks and leader are provide the training to each employee engaged with performance improvement. To distribution work among team with its qualification is best ways to improvement of Kaizen project. Further people of organization also get opportunity to enhance knowledge & new ideas for organization improvement & self-improvement too.
Project Kaizen: Performance improvement sheet
Performance improvement list or point out can help for take any necessary action to step ahead to better to minimize wastes, up utilization & self-confident of team members. Performance Improvement points are noted on base of team member’s observations, ideas to take any action to prevent or eliminate problem to concern. There are also taking a care for time line & giving a priority of observation on each points are to get first, marks as A, B,C or first, second, third or any color coding to team members can understand which is very important to take a first. View below Picture to better understand.
See Picture # 01

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