Packaging Reject documents
Packaging rejection documents are establishment needs to managing records of rejection occurred during various processes in packaging lines.
Packaging rejection documents are needs to establish, maintain and update to manage records of rejection during the packaging processes are conducted for documentation to easier for identification of source causes of rejection and solutions in line with occurrence. Packaging rejection documentation are established by packaging department during the packaging processes, in case any rejection is identified that packaging team is conduct the rejected materials separately and recoded in line with issues, the packaging rejection documentation are forwarded to quality department for verification, once the quality department re-examination completed that materials are verified by issues and manage separately by quality department. The process is conducted and managed by packaging department, packaging manager is monitoring on all packaging activities that all the reporting are verified at primary level, the packaging team is conduct packaging tasks and during the process any product damaged, or damaged materials identify, the product defected during moving and packaging are also manage separate in the record, the records are provided to packaging manager for verification and approvals, manager conduct records and verify the details if the issue are identified that noted in the records other wise forward the issue to quality department for further investigation, the quality inspector team is receiving the records from packaging department and inspect the rejected materials and take the action as appropriate issue.
Packaging reject documentation are maintained by packaging department, and packaging department head is responsible for managing records of rejection occurred during packaging processes, the process is maintained the regular tasks that having issue identified by packaging team should be recorded in the controlled documents by system to provides information to department manager and quality team for further analysis on issue occurred, and identify source causes for better solution to minimize rejection percentage during the various processes. The packaging department are prepared document to presenting to quality department via department manager, the document prepared for identified rejected materials is packaging rejection note, see picture below given as example for education purpose:

Packaging reject note format is used to recording information of rejected material during packaging processes, the document covered the packaging processes, product information, description of the product, rejection reasons, description of the process where rejection identified with the remarks that required for mentioned any concern details, the document is provided to packaging department head for verification of the rejected materials, and reporting to quality department for further investigation of the rejected materials. The document is used as the communication with quality department to acknowledge rejection during packaging or defected received from quality department. The documentation is maintained as per documentation system.
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Packaging Reject Note