Packaging identity
Packaging identity process conducted for managing packaging requirements of customers for particular order are identified and complied for each requirements received.
Packaging identity process is managed by packaging department on movement of receiving materials from quality department, the quality department conducting the materials for quality testing, and on completion of all required inspection process, team is sending the materials to packaging department, hence the packaging department is conduct the materials and verify the packaging requirements as according to customer order, the packaging team is verify the customer ordered, technical details of packaging concern are received and verify for customer requirements for compliance, otherwise the packaging team is manage and pack the product as per standard packaging requirements. The customers are provides the details of packaging requirements if the specific, and its concern details are mentioned in customer technical requirements, the customer product requirements are managed by match the requirements. The job card, planning department is also needs to mention details of packaging requirements to acknowledge to concern department to manage requirements of packaging.
Packaging identity process is managed by packaging department, and packaging department head is responsible for conduct the concern processes, maintain procedure and follow up requirements of customer concern packaging. The process is maintained for the each product individual or as customer instructed for all the product purchasing by customer, the product packaging is managed in standards formats in case of customer had not given any instruction. The process of identification and its concern records are managed internal department requirements & identified records are used for analysis for improvement of standard packaging and its implementation. Packaging identity process and its documentation are managed, and storage by packaging department, hence each packaging identified records are managed in the packaging identity sheet, see picture below given as example format for education purpose:

Packaging identity sheet format is used to recording information of each product requirements to concern packaging, and its records are managed on identification as per customer purchase order requirements, the standards system is to manage individual packaging requirement to comply customer purchase order. Packaging department head is verifies the records and its packaging identification documents as per frequency defined, generally daily records are recommended for reviews to identify any mismatch or any error during the packaging compliance, and the department head is responsible for the same. The documents of the packaging identity and compliance records are managed by packaging department manager and its concern all the details are managed and discuss with management in case of any issue with packaging materials, or the packaging requirements issues that suggestions and comments to customers for safe the product during transportation, hence the customers are also directly communicate with packaging department head if issues having complications. The documentation for the packaging identity is managed, storage and disposal is maintained as per documentation system in internal management system.
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Packaging identity sheet