Package equipment documentation
Package equipment documentation is established for inspecting equipment before shipping to customer, for ensure equipment quality.
Package equipment documentation is prepared & deployed in system to ensure the product quality by inspection of equipment before packaging and shipping to customers. The process is conducted by qualified quality engineers, when the materials are moved from quality to packaging that each equipment are conducted for the inspection, the equipment are verified for the dimensions, sizes, standards requirements of equipments, and other concern details which are expected by customer with equipment are managed and same are inspecting before the packaging. This process is conducted after quality inspection that is after final inspection of equipment. When the equipment are reach to packaging department that packaging department are packing the equipment but before the packaging the equipment, qualified engineers / inspection team is verify the records to ensure the all the details are filled correct and also match with customer requirements with equipment to ensure that all the details and equipment is as per standards and as per customer requirements before the packaging, because when the equipment released form quality department with whole lot or full of the batch which is hold at packaging department with conformation from marketing and dispatch department for packaging and shipping the equipment, once the conform that visual and dimensional checking is conducted for re-inspection of each equipment before packaging and shipping.
Package equipment documentation are prepared & deployed in the system by quality department, quality manager is responsible for arrangement of quality inspection and verification of the documentation of package equipment, quality manger is select qualified inspection team for conduct inspection process, the records are maintained & update accordingly. Once the packaging department is requesting to quality department for product which is needs to packs and shipping to customer, that quality inspection team is conduct inspection / verification of the records and equipment for conform the packaging requirements and shipping to customer. The records are prepared and maintained for package equipment is checklist for package equipment, see picture below given as example format of checklist for package equipment for education purpose:

Checklist for package equipment format is prepared by qualified inspection to conducting records of package equipment by filled checklist information as pre-defined information and points as per standard system requirements. The checklist for package equipment are managed and implemented as per equipment standard requirements. The documentation and process conformation ahead the next process that is packing of equipment and shipping to customer.
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Checklist for package equipment