Outsourcing process control procedure
Outsourcing process control procedure established to evaluating, monitoring and controls over outsourcing process to maintain quality performance in product.
Outsourcing process control procedure is established by purchasing department to evaluating suppliers, deployment of monitoring and controls system over outsourcing process, the system is managed the approvals, re-approvals, performance evaluation of outsourced process service providers what can directly or indirectly effects on product quality and performance. The procedure is defined the purchasing outsourced services to followed department peoples & maintain quality, verify quality of incoming services and product. The system is covered to provide documented method for all outsourced service providers and its application receiving, approvals, re-approvals or renewals of approvals system, evaluation of individual services providers that assessing through systematic ways and the process is applicable for all outsourced processes and related activities for controls management.
Outsourcing process control procedure is prepared by procurement management and procurement director / manager is responsible for ensuring that the procedure is accurate and implemented effectively and all the outsourcing processes are conducted as on under of procedure. For the controlling over the outsourcing processes that needs to prepared documents to managing all the activities and as per standard practice, procurement manager is prepared outsourcing process control plan where all the activities are covered and what will be measurement, requirements of controls, who is responsible for the particular activities and its sub-activities are defined for managing role to control over outsourcing processes. Procurement manager prepared control plan to determine possible controls over processes, see picture below given as example format of outsourced process control plan for education purpose:

As per outsourced process control plan, the procurement management is conducting all the processes, and all concern peoples are follows as same. The system is deployed for each incoming materials which used in manufacturing or any supporting processes. Purpose of outsourced process control plan is to provide such document processes to easier for procurement processes and peoples to understand for conducting outsourced services / product processes to verify and ensure quality of product and organized for materials for manufacturing.
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Outsourced process control plan