Order processing inspection documents
Order processing inspection documents established to managing records of each stage of order processing in manufacturing, and inspection activities.
Order processing inspection documents are prepared, maintained and update records of each manufacturing processes stages, and its inspection processes are covered and maintain records accordingly, the order processing inspection documents are managing and assurance of the customer orders are proceed, inserted and maintained in the manufacturing processes as per standards system and as per sequences and interaction processes are deployed in the system, the inspection processes are identify treats, non-conformity in the processes to improvement of each processes stages for order processing procedures and activities improvement. The purpose of order processing inspection process is to determine customer requirements, receiving and inserting orders in manufacturing processes and through customer orders identify requirements, standards and other technical requirements in the manufacturing processes are maintained or not are verified for improvement individual stages of manufacturing processes, quality improvement as well as marketing processes to proper guidelines for order management of each customer.
Order processing inspection documents are prepared, maintained and update by general manager, and responsible for monitoring, tracking orders, controls as required in the processes and inspection of each stage of order processing for the improvement processes. Management representative is responsible for identify qualified auditors to conduct order processing inspection process to identify processing system and its requirements verification. The audit team is conduct order processing inspection processes, and checklist used which is made according to order processing processes, see picture below given as example format of order processing inspection checklist for education purpose:

Order processing inspection checklist is document that used in the inspection processes of order processing, the checklist is used as the documents and record for the inspection & audit evidence of order processing for particular tenure, the records are maintained for the improvement on the analysis of order processing activities. The inspection process is covered the processes and its sub processes with procedure of the order processing, the inspection verify product requirements, customer requirements, evaluating capability and capacity to meet requirements etc., are reviewed and concern documents and records are maintained.
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Order processing inspection checklist