Monthly Electrical maintenance report
Monthly electrical maintenance report is document to recording information of performance of maintenance activity of electrical system.
Monthly electrical maintenance report is established & maintained to ensure the maintenance for electrical system is conducted properly, and monthly electrical maintenance report is preparation for recording information, performed task’s activities as per required repairing, installation, services and replacement to complete the task of electrical system. The documentation is comply the requirements standard internal management system which all the activities should be properly documented and as per procedure defined by management to handle tasks, electrical maintain activity is conducted by electrical department on request of internal departments and as per documentation forwarded by user department all the activities, compliances are fulfill accordingly. The system required to managing information & actions of maintenance activity either mechanical or electrical, hence electrical maintenance reporting is also equally important for maintenance as others documentation are prepared in electrical department.
The purpose of the monthly electrical maintenance report is conducted to collect the information of activity of electrical maintenance at the floor level, and through the report maintenance activity is conducted, in the maintenance task this report is helps and making task easier by involved maintenance checklist with all the required points which are needs to checked in maintenance task, condition of electrical system and for improvement requirements are conducted through this report. The reporting having a all the required information which is help to engineer to does not need to remembers, all points are pre- recorded in maintenance checklist which is part of monthly electrical maintenance report. On base of monthly electrical maintenance report, in case any more servicing, repairing, replacement is required that engineer will be mentioned in the report to electrical manager is taken needful action on it. See picture below for monthly electrical maintenance report for reference:
Monthly electrical maintenance report main field is system failure registered by requester along with details of system failure, on base of description of failure modes, visual inspection & tests are conducted for the identify source of failure to repair, replace or service the system. Monthly electrical maintenance report is filled by electrical engineer and after the completion of the task it’s submitted to electrical manager for further analysis, electrical manager collecting all reports of various systems & electrical malfunctioned reports for the analysis to making a proper preventive planning and impacting on others electrical system installed in plants.
Electrical engineers conducting the monthly electrical maintenance report to recording information of materials, spare-parts, wires etc.., Installed / repair or replace during electrical maintenance task, on approvals of the system owners this format is completed by electrical engineers & on sign off electrical engineer is approved to works in regular task in unit. There are also electrical engineer is mentioned detailed information of further action required in case of malfunction can harm other system or impacting on system which is installed and connected with failure system, so it’s important that electrical engineer mentioned all the possibilities, probabilities of impacting on the system.
Monthly electrical maintenance report is checked by head of electrical engineer i.e. supervisor to check all the processes, requirements, repairing or replacement information etc.., detailed information are mentioned in the report and all function of electrical system is working properly to ensure system accurately work for regular task. On check out of electrical supervisor, head of engineer the document is submitted to head of the department i.e. electrical maintenance manager for the further actions and analysis for individual analysis.
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