Monthly audit of documents and record of human resources
Monthly audit of documents and records of human resources department to ensure all documents & records are maintained properly to meet standard requirements.
Human resources departmental monthly audit is established by department manger for identify non conformity in human resources department’ s internal management system, to ensuring all documents and records are properly established, maintained and updated as per standard guidelines and procedures. The audit system is conducting all documents and records which are human resources department is maintaining and in under responsibility. Human resources department is maintain & updates all documents and records concern of company’s each employee and all records and documents are important for individual employee and human resources which is used on various requirements or events, human resources department conducting all documents from employee, internally performances and activities are records and also record information, and prepared document payable amount to employee on monthly basis, hence whole documents and records system is important part, even key part of human resources that needs to proper maintained and audited on frequency defined by management.
Human resources department monthly documents and records audits management, selection of qualified auditors and performing audit within department’s responsibility of human resources department manager, the system is covered all documents and records are established, maintained and updated by human resources departments and those documents are concern to all employees that needs to proper maintained and audited. Selected auditors are responsible for conducting audit and identify any non-conformity in system, all identified non-conformity and report of audit is submit to human resources department, department manager is conducted all non-conformity and identify root causes, corrective actions and assure the system is fully complied with standard requirements. Auditor team is conducting audit format for conducing audit and recording information in human resources department monthly audit report which helps to documented all documents and records information which is audited during the audit period, the document format is prepared by human resources department and also used for audit conducting of human resources documentations. See picture below given as example format for human resource monthly audit for education purpose:

Human resource monthly audit report is conducted by auditors during audit and report is submit to manager for determine further actions, in the report generally documents and records which maintained by human resource department is in scope, so its important to each activity and employee concern all information should be available with department. The information generally verified and audit by auditors during audit are:
- Employee Records / Orientation records
- Employee performance records and improvement records and documentation.
- Individual / event training records, document verification records
- Payroll and wages of each employee and previous months’ records
- Employee’s individual files i.e. personal files for each one.
In human resources departmental monthly audit report, auditors are filled remarks which are conclusion of whole report, and this part is important where auditor’s personal opinion and suggestion for improvement are mentioned for department and on audit experience. Human resources department manager is conduct all details to determine action plan and implement as appropriate requirements.
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Human resource monthly audit