Milestone status report

Milestone status report

Milestone Status Report


When company start any project that, government bodies, personal interested parties that is third parties are expecting report status of your project are on date where are. To consider the requirements of the company’s people can make the status report are ready made available with sample data filled. Generally following fields are required for milestone status report:

Details of Milestone Status Report


Part: 01

  1. Contact Person Name
  2. Contact Person Cell No.
  3. Contact Person E-mail
  4. Company Name
  5. Company Address
  6. Company Telephone & Fax No.


Part: 02

Classification of the Project status – Appropriate Codes declaration, you can code any thing, but in sequence. Here we are coded A, B, C, D…


Part: 03

Project Status is in four part format

  1. No.
  2. Milestone Status
  3. Status Code
  4. Remarks


In the milestone status are sample data are available with word documents, there are about 18 general status information are given, almost companies are gives in details, but as your requirement add more points to present against third parties to milestone status makes strong.





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