Mechanical tools records
Mechanical tools records are maintained for managing requirements of maintenance at various locations to immediate actions to reduce interruption of operations.
Mechanical tools records are maintained at production office to conducting all the mechanical tools are failed during various operations in production lines, those are records are maintained and forward to maintenance department for further actions, the records are maintained for managing requirements of maintenance at the various areas of the production lines to maintenance department are conducted those records and immediate take actions where any mechanical tools are identified as broken, failures that replace, repair or services to conducting production activities immediate without lost time of production and reduce the interruption of various operations are running in production lines. The records are maintained by production department where all mechanical tools failure information are conducted and maintained department wise, area wise by concern supervisors that records are submitted to production manager for further actions, because those failure are interrupt current operation of production lines, machinery and equipment are engaged with single operation in time, so production manager conducting those records and provides information to mechanical manager for each failures of mechanical tools with location, mechanical maintenance manager are conducting those records and assigned mechanical engineers for visit those areas and complete solutions.
Mechanical tools records established, maintain and update by production department and production manager is responsible for collection of those information from various locations and departments, and collected all data are provides to mechanical maintenance manager for proper solution in time frame, department supervisor are responsible for conducting individual failures of mechanical tools at floor, and also for submit to production manger, Mechanical maintenance manager is responsible for conduct each mechanical tools failure for provides particular failures reasons and it’s solutions to reduction in production time delay. The documents are maintained by production manager for conducting mechanical tools failure details is register for mechanical tools breakdown, see picture below given example format of mechanical tools breakdown register format for education purpose:

Mechanical tools breakdown register is maintained at production department where all the departments which are having a machinery, equipment and needs to maintain productivity that the register is helps to maintain records for action which required by maintenance departments are provided along with details, maintenance department is identify problem of failures, analysis root cause and corrective / preventive actions are taken complied required inline with mechanical failures. On base of the mechanical tools breakdown register, production manager is tracking failures & its status as per required frequency, and further requirements are raised inline with. The documents are maintained and update as per standard requirements of internal management system and its disposal are conducted as per retention period.
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Mechanical tools breakdown register
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