Material Movement Document
Material movement document is established to recording activities, processes and movement of material to tracking materials in workplace.
Material movement document is prepared, maintained and update for collecting information from various department, locations and areas that handled materials movement records on activities, processes and material movement activities conducted. The document is conducting all information about materials movement; the records are maintained for the tracking materials locations and reasons for the movement of materials in the workplaces. Material movement document are managed on slip or document are comes to general manager for material movement, on base of the document of material movement request, general manager is record the information & monitoring on activity of material movement, the material movement request is provided by requester for materials requirements of shifting / transfer materials to another location for any purpose, on base of the request letter / document, general manager survey requested place, identify requirements and possibility of material movement at requested location for transfer materials, on approvals of the material movement request document, further process are conducted by concern department and general manager is used this document for material movement document or records.
Material movement document is prepared and maintained for recording, monitoring and controls over material movement activities, this document is prepared and update by general manager and general manager is responsible for materials movement, tracking of materials and managing activities, and internal communication to proper setup of transfer materials. For the tracking and recording activity purpose, material movement log is need to establish and maintain, see picture below given as example format of material movement log for education purpose:

Material movement log is format used for recording material movement activity, tracking materials at various locations and its concern information, this document is important for materials records maintain & activities that conducted to managing materials, locations and requirements of departments individually. On base of this document to checking frequency of materials requirements, management of materials due to space or any other reasons materials are need to moved and on transitions management determine actions for reducing materials transfer and movement to controls on time management as well as cost controls that expenses are done due to it.
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Material Movement Log