Material management observation process
Material management observation process is established for conducting material management system to identify and compare system requirements and sustain standard system.
Material management observation process or procedures are prepared and deployed in system for conducting all the concern processes with material management and focus on the activities, material handling, movements and storage to identify non-conformity to compare standard requirements for material management which adopted from internationally recommended system, and all identified non-conformity are conducted to identify proper root causes, and sources of causes to eliminate possibility of risks, minimize material damages and losses in system, the system is deployed to proper managing all activities by standard ways and sustain the system.
Material management observation process is prepared by material manager and his is responsible for conducting observations, material manager select qualified observer for observer material movement, storage and handling and provides inspection on the activities to help for improvement in material management system. Material observer team is responsible for conducting observation and reporting to manager with its observations, remarks and comments to determine required improvement actions by manager. See picture below given as example which material observation are conducted during the observation process, the document is prepared by material manager to conducting observation, and observer team is used the checklist during material management observations, see picture below given as example format of material observation checklist for education purpose:

Material observation is inspection / audit process that all the part of material management are conducted, verified and prepared report on observation are conducted in material management, the document of material observation checklist is used during observation here some given sample points are used in checklist to help for understand internal observation and its documentation for material management:
- All storage materials are segregated properly? How the categories are maintained? What is the method for segregation? How segregation documentation is maintained?
- Any sensitive categorized, hazardous materials are stored separately? What is the method for storage? Is there all hazardous materials are indexed? Is there lock and key facilities are available for this kind of categories?
- Is there all stored materials records are available with department? Rack wise / unit wise, how materials stacked? Is there records are available in line with stacked?
- Whether all incoming materials records and documents are available? And all incoming materials inspection notes, records, reports and results are prepared and recorded?
- What is the flow of material management? Is there proper document is maintained?
- How stock consumption records are maintained? And what is the procedure for conducting consumption processes and records?
- Is there hazardous materials like chemicals, gas, chemical powders etc., has been properly identified and its MSDS are available? Peoples understand MSDS and follow it?
- Is there safety equipments are provided for peoples are working in storage department?
- Is there material handling, movement and storage processes are conducted as per standard operating procedures? Are there peoples aware for it?
- Whether everyone knows of safety precautions? Is there safety precautions are deployed at appropriate places?
Material observation checklist is document where all required points mentioned before process conducted, the system is support to checklist for managing observation in material management system, during the checklist filling, all the evidences, identified root causes and sources of causes are briefly mentioned in it and corrective actions are taken by management as response of result of observation. The document is completed and submitted to material management for further investigations and improvement in system.
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Material Observation checklist