Manufacturing process’ stage inspection – Quality Control
Manufacturing process stage inspection process is established to ensure the product quality and managing stage wise inspections for process controls.
Manufacturing process stage inspection processes is conducted in each stage of manufacturing to verification and ensure the product quality is maintained as per standard requirements and as per customer technical requirement, the manufacturing process stage inspection is conducting whole process sequences that each stage is covered to identify variation / deviation in product for machinery, equipment or process setting or parameter management. The system is deployed for product quality, manufacturing process improvement and enhancement in productivity. Manufacturing process stage inspection through quality department determine process concern issues, product concern issues and defects, troubles in manufacturing processes that on base of the information collection from various department and various processes, inspection records and other details which helps to analyze information to determine the action plan for improvement in processes, stage wise inspection records helps to development of product with close product tolerances.
Manufacturing process stage inspection procedure is manage and deployed by quality management and responsible for monitoring and controls on the quality of the product that each manufacturing process stage should be covered and properly conduct inspection process required to maintain product quality, so quality manager is establish procedure for in process / process stage inspection, assigned task to quality engineers for conducting manufacturing process stage inspection as standards and technical requirements. quality manager is conducting all information from quality engineers and departments of manufacturing stage inspection and complied in single format as the log file which used for recording and information which is help for identify rejected or quantity which is identify as waste or scrap, the document used for the recording information is log file and handled, maintain and updated by quality manager is manufacturing stage inspection log file, see picture below given example format of manufacturing stage inspection log for education purpose:

Manufacturing stage inspection log is prepared by quality manager for recording information of each stage of manufacturing process inspection and for identification of the product quality and percentage of rejection in processes, raw materials defects and other quality concern information to determine action for monitoring and controlling over the processes for minimize rejection due to production lines, processes and controls over raw material input in processes which having defects that can increase costing of manufacturing processes & other product quality affects. Manufacturing stage inspection log file is continual format which is maintained as per monthly or quarterly, on the end of period the information and each job is verified and managed with the same format for collection of information.
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Manufacturing stage inspection log