Manufacturing Process expansion documents
Manufacturing process expansion documents are established to managing and records process of identification & improvement of processes.
Manufacturing process expansion documents are prepared and installed in system to manage all records concern to identification of process requirements, resources and other concern which is used to improvement of manufacturing process expansion are properly records & handled for analysis to appreciate used of resources and others that used to enhancement in process expansion. Manufacturing process expansion is important part of the manufacturing that enhancement of the stages or managing, enhancement in processes that helps to quality improvement and quantity of the producing materials can increased.
Manufacturing process expansion documentation is prepared and responsible to conducting, deployment of procedure, preparation of action plan and applied in the concern process by general manager, actually the responsibility of process expansion and its concern process establishment conducting and maintain is everyone of the concern department or processes, the processes are applicable areas & direction of the improvement are decided by management and concern peoples are responsible for follow it complied requirements of the procedures. The documentation are prepared by concern department are recorded and used for the analysis to conducted and managed for improvement. For the identification of the manufacturing process expansion that requirements of the resources and concern documentation, processes or suggested things to see are managed, concern management should complete the requirements of the improvement for manufacturing processes are conducted and documented the records in process expansion notice, see picture below given as example format of process expansion notice for education purpose:

In the process expansion notice is covered all the requirements of manufacturing processes expansion, improvement of stage of manufacturing processes are recorded, managed for all the applicable areas. The document should include all standard references and relevant information to ensure the notice and its mentioned information are properly suitable & merged with concern part of process. In the process expansion notice all current resource, manpower, financial budget and growth rates are mentioned for the compare the requirements and resources, manpower and financial requirements can be point out. Description of the concern requirement for the expansion and its requirements are mention of conducting each requirement separately as per document references & action plans. There are also considered that manufacturing process expansion can impacting on the current business / customers and how much impacts will be hit the customer current requirement, that can be positive or negative there are also possible that negative impacts are occurred that should be properly identified and corrective and preventive action should need to taken and mentioned in the manufacturing process expansion documenting.
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Process expansion notice