Managing Internal observation
Internal observation is conducted to ensure that manufacturing activities and supporting processes are conducted as per standards system.
Internal observation is conducted by qualified auditors as per standard system deployed in management; the process is conducted to ensure that the manufacturing processes, quality, packing and other supporting processes are conducted accordingly, and the system is maintained standard requirements are confirm though internal observation by selected some qualified auditors are visiting the locations and managing its concern processes for improvement & eliminate possibilities of non conformity in system. Internal observation process is managed as per management deployed standards system; procedures for the each task, work instructions that help to each person to managing its own works and responsibility are managed and applied in the workplaces. Internal observation process is maintained in the management system as per frequency defined by management, generally monthly, quarterly observation are managed by separate internal auditor and reporting to management representative.
Internal observation process is managed by management representative, and management representative is responsible for selection of qualified auditors, providing guidelines and instructions to each auditors, providing frequency of verification and auditing areas, scope and requirements of system with monitoring on activities of auditors with controls on processes to effective audit. Internal observation process are deep investigation of each sub activities, processes stages and regular activities of employee to identification of non conformity concerning quality system, environmental system requirements and health and safety management. The documentation are maintained by concern auditors and submitting with management representative, management representative collecting all audit reports and managed in single format which is observation log sheet, see picture below given as example format of observation log sheet for education purpose:

Observation log sheet format is prepared by management representative for conducting records of each observation recorded by auditors from various locations, areas and processes are managed and provides to management representative for further processing, management representative collecting records from all auditors and maintained for further analysis of each processes for improvement, deployment of more system requirements and determine for overall resources management & setup and improvement of weak points. The documentation is maintained and update as per standard system and its disposal are maintained accordingly.
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Observation log sheet