Management representative internal audit
Management representative internal audit conducted for identification of non-conformance to comply and manage internal management system as per scope of audit.
Management representative internal audit established in internal management system to identification of non-conformance as per standard requirements which is adopted by company or as per product standards that needs to maintain internal management system and as per scope of internal management system is defined. Internal audit system is for conducting each activity of concern department, documents and records and management system to ensure internal management system is complied standard requirements and continual improvement is planned for each activity and processes. For internal management system, management representative is important person or position which through all standard requirements, internal management system communications and all activities are conducted and handled, so it important that the management representative activities should be properly audited to all system implementation and identify system in company.
Management representative internal audit is responsibility conducted by qualified auditors which conducting audit as per standard requirements and standard adopted by company. Internal audit conduct as per scope defined in system, generally internal management system and management representative audit both are equal scope of audit hence auditor are conducting audit as per standard causes & product standard requirements. See picture as below given example format for management representative internal audit checklist for education purpose:

Management representative internal audit checklist is format which is used for conducting internal audit of internal management system and its part which is important for internal management system, to considering requirements of internal audit, here as below given some sample points which can conduct for internal audit of management representative:
- Is there Management representative job duties and responsibilities are assigned and documented? Is there any evidence?
- How internal management system is maintained? Are there all documents and records index and listing are available?
- Whether annual audit plan / schedule are prepared? And all the schedules are maintained properly?
- Whether internal qualified auditors list are available? All auditors’ qualification records and certificates are available?
- Is there for all departments and processes are covered in internal audit? For each audit had its own checklist is prepared? How trigger points are merged in checklist?
- Whether internal audit’s reports / checklist and documents, results are available for each department and processes? Is there each non-conformance is documented separately? And in line with compliance evidences are referred?
- For each department, individual departmental objective is defined? Is there company objectives are defined? How both are linked? And how implement are impact on each other?
- Whether each objective status and conditions are discussed in management review meeting? Is there evidence of management review meeting and implementation, action plan evident?
- Whether changing circumstance affecting internal management system is addressed?
- Are there management review meeting is conducted as per frequency defined? And in management review meeting all internal and external audit reports, findings and implementation plans are discussed? Is there previous management review meeting action plan concern internal management system is discussed? Pending points are conducted during discussion? And what is action plan is prepared?
Management representative internal audit is documented and reported to implement and enhancement to properly maintain internal management system, by internal audit system helps to improve to conducting each activity & processes of system where all system is depends on management representative planning affects.
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Management representative internal audit checklist