Machine service – Electrical & mechanical maintenance
Machine service is conducted by electrical and mechanical maintenance department to maintain machine accurate condition for increase self life.
Machine service is important part for the electrical & mechanical maintenance department, the process are conducted by jointly both the department are conducting or can conduct the tasks of serving separately, but generally joint operation is recommend by management to saving the costing and time. Machine service process is conducting by maintenance department for the making machine accurate, and verify the condition of machine in case having any trouble that conducted and corrective actions are taken to making it accurate, the process is also conducted for the increase machine self life to frequently monitoring and services that help to increase self life of machine parts that depreciation of parts are reduce significantly, hence the electrical department is also manage its roll in the machine services where wiring and other switches, boards etc., are verified and correct that needs to safety point of view. Machine servicing and its concern activity is managed by maintenance manager is instruct to conducting maintenance activity and services of each machine installed in workplaces, generally maintenance engineers are conducting machine services as frequency defined, and preventive schedule prepared by management of maintenance.
The deployment of machine service procedures, instructions & guidelines to each engineer concern with maintenance activity is managed by maintenance manager, and responsible for deployment of procedures and work instruction to guide all engineers to conduct maintenance activity, machine service is part of preventive maintenance and its schedule and planning are managed by maintenance manager, and also for responsible for monitoring and controls over activity. The documentation for the machine services are managed by concern engineers and its standard format is provided by maintenance engineer, servicing and replacement of parts of machine are mentioned in machine service log which is manage for each machine separately as the machine history card, see picture below given as example format of machine service log for education purpose:

Machine service log format is use for recording information of machine maintenance activity and its service information that managed and performed by maintenance engineers at workplace as per frequency defined by maintenance department, the service team is recording each machine service information separately to identify nos. of service in the year & general issues raised with any particular machine to identify source cause and solution implement as machine required. The records of the each activity concern with machine servicing, repairing, replace and return information is maintained for records.
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Machine service log