Machine operator skill documentation
Machine operator skill documentation is established for assessing individual machine operator qualification, experiences & test verification document management.
Machine operator skill documentation is prepared & deployed in manufacturing processes, internal management system to assessing individual machine / equipment operator concern record that are managed records for operator’s qualification, experiences of previous works and individual tests to ensure the skill of operator to verification, the documents are managed all records that mentioned skills, experience and qualification. Machine operator skill documentation is handled by human resources department, which are collecting information from of skill verification, test verification of individual machine operators during operation by concern manager, the records are managed in the skill verification and requirements of for machine operations and manuals that deployed at the workplaces. Machine operator skill verification is conducted by concern manager i.e. department head, where machines are installed. The machine operators verification is conducted individual that each machine operator records are managed for the same, the process of the machine operator skill verification, concern manager is monitoring and assigned task to machine operators for any particular product where verification are conducted on the parameters, handling product and processing product by machine operator is verified and its sample are conducted as per standards requirements, when the test results are positive that concern manager is approved machine operator for continue that works & instruct for more development, improvement in the performance to producing materials as per works instructions, product standards and customer technical and specifications.
The documentation are managed for the machine operator skill verification by human resources on request of the department manager, department manager are conducting required tests and processes to ensure that the machine operator can properly handle the machine and product quality during the processing the materials for the final product, hence the records are collecting by human resources that each document from various department are managed and recorded in the single format to managing each department and each machine operator record in single format, see picture below given example format which is used to recording information which are collected from various department of skill verification and approvals, the document managed by human resources is machine operator skill register, see picture below for education purpose:

Machine operator skill register is covered and maintain records of each machine operator details where skill verification and approvals from concern manager is recorded, the register is prepared for department and machine operator details where operator which machine is operating, where located and when the machine operator had started operating machine are conducted. The records are managed and update by human resources department on department manager’s update.
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Machine operator skill register