Machine modification documents
Machine modification documents are established to provide document system to record information, setup and modification, adjustment events in record sheet.
Machine modification documents are prepared and deployed in production lines to provides document system to managing all activities of machine modification and adjustment, setting of machine parameters, setup of machine parts etc, are covered in documents and maintained for machine productivity improvement, product setup and other requirements of manufacturing processes are complied to provides records of machine modification documents. Machine modification is conducted on requirements of the manufacturing process, material requirements, malfunctions or any request from customers that disable to perform task without machine modification that maintenance team is conducting task as requirements of modification or machine operators are managing modification are possible at its end. Machine modification is the separate process which is conducted by machine operators, machine technicians or maintenance departments as appropriate requirements.
Machine modification documents are prepared and maintained by production manager, production manager is responsible to conducting machine concern activities and machine modification process where all arrangement, requirements and resources are provide to person who is conducting the task, machine modification document is prepared for recording information where log sheet is generated. Machine modification log sheet is managing all details like, original setting of machine, modification, alternation of machine, why the modification is required? Are general information which trough derails are available with concern peoples. See picture below is given example format of machine modification log sheet for education purpose:

Machine modification log sheet is handle by production manager, on base of customer requirements, product technical requirements which needs to change modification in machine, manufacturing process changed due to some technical requirements or internal request which can be quality concern issues or other reasons are major factors of machine modification, the modification of machine is conducted by maintenance department if the machine needs to modify with some tools or required to change parts, in case the parameters are changed or any minor modification are conducted by machine operators, but the requirements are very critical that needs to machine modification that technician are conducted to perform task. The record are conducted at production department and hold from long time at as per machine self life, the documents of modification is important to handle machine, when any operator is conducting task with particular machine that production manager is provide information from machine history card ad machine modification log sheet for the knowledge with machine adjustment and modification.
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Machine modification log sheet