Log Book Issue Records

Log Book Issue Records


As per requirements of the ISO 17025, log book for the work books/ Instructions books / Registers are need to control for the maintain records accurate that help to Lab people. Log book as usual laboratory type of systems that all the reading materials are controlled by single person that take care of the reading material for laboratory. All the books are very precious for the lab people that need a care of the each book. Log book help to keeper as per records can find out which books are in used and where, its simple system as easier to maintain.

By the log book verify can get the idea that is book are used, when used & why it demanded for that books or register to explore the details thought it. Further this books and reference manual are important material for each lab technicians.

As you can see picture above is format useful for the laboratory, calibration labs, material lab, in short its very useful for labs that having a sufficient reading material that need this format.


Download log book issue records format in word document


ISO 17025 – requirements: Log book issue records for books and registers


Log book Issue record register for ISO 17025


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