Lessons learned during project management
Lessons learned during project management is activity that enhanced knowledge of personnel involved in project and its stages.
Lessons learned during project management is activity, that remarked during project management and its each stages that enhancing project concern peoples those are involved in project management system and its each stage to complete project. Lesson learned during project management and its documents are managed on end of project completion, when the project finished that general meeting of the each project concern personnel are handle the meeting and given its improvement report, progress in acknowledge that achieve during project management that is learning from project during completion project’s various tasks. In the lessons learned note or log file is summary of lessons learned during project management, the records are updated by project manager during the project’s stages and its management and notified to project team on completion of the project, at general project team meeting. Project team’s persons are individual / groups are submitting its notes on the lessons learned during project management and submitted to project manager for improvement on other ongoing and upcoming projects.
Lessons learning during project management and its note are prepared by individual as well as groups peoples that managing notes to conducting actions as determined on base of lessons learning notes or log files. Individual person who are involved in project management is given its view about lessons learned during project management, those records are managed and organized for further improvement at various area / locations where projects are running, and the records are also used for upcoming project that helps to higher level or management to project. Project manager is responsible to collecting log files from each project management team’s member that involved in project and given contribution to project that records are important for improvement of projects. The document is prepared and used for recording information is lessons learned log, see picture below given as example for education purpose:

Lessons learned log file is used for recording information of individual persons of involved peoples in project management, and deployed and assigned duties / responsible for various project’s stages as the part of management, the records are handle by persons in format is lessons learned log file which is used as summarized information of lessons learned during project management or as the part of team of project. The records are handled and storage as per project standards.
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Lessons leaned log