Legal Register
International standards ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 – Environment health & safety ‘s base requirement is all the concern law of the iso 14001 that is environment concern requirements & OHSAS – safety concern law should be strictly followed by company’s consent should be match the compliance of all legal requirements.
Environment health & safety system is a primary requirement of legal compliance with 100% follows strictly, if the organization need to certified for the ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 – organization strictly follow the rules & regulations, law & rule of the factory acts, environment, air pollution acts all the concern acts which is application to organization same rules & law, acts are also available for the consent of the company which provided by pollution control board of state that is also need to follow strictly, in case of leak found that possible organization locked by pollution control board, its fact requirements which the bet government are gives the consent.
Legal register is the register entry of each required laws, applicable law and compliance of the law & rules that is affected by company activities, as per factory acts of government, pollution control board need to satisfy with your organization is strictly follows as both boards are believe, if the leakage of the rules are found board will be warn to compliance as soon as possible, yet than organization is not take any necessary action that board may close the water and electricity supply that gives by government.
Legal register is mirror for company working activities, in the legal register company should be defined frequency of the government site refers, update laws requirements and same will be comply timely.
Legal register is very important for the company that wants to run the business smooth without and disturbance of the government interface need to comply each law & rule, acts as per requirements of government declared.
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