Layout audit documents (Product / Process Audit)
Layout audit documents are established to ensure layout of the manufacturing are properly managed and identify non-conformance in system as per standards.
Layout audit documents are established for the recording information of the audit which conducted of product and process during the manufacturing, concern processes to ensure the layout requirements are conducted properly and all entire facilities are managed as per system requirements, the facilities are properly handled standard requirements. Layout audit is conducted of both the basic requirements of manufacturing that are product and process to ensure requirements of manufacturing system and processing to producing materials are conducted that will be fulfill requirements of product quality, technical requirements and customer specific requirements. The layout audit is conducting on basic requirements likes a process and product parameters are managed, verified each particulars that determine to processes / product is complied quality requirements of end applications. Layout audit is conducted to managing as per quality requirements of process and product standards, technical requirements that standard auditing and inspection method are conducted, standards for process and product are verified and identify in case any non conformance are raised, each raised non conformance are conducted by concern manager for system improvement.
Layout audit document is covered all the measurable records and results of the audit to determine actions to improvement of process and product quality improvement, in the layout audit documentations auditors are conducting sampling and audit each characteristics and standard tolerances of the product and processes to ensure that the product and process are properly managed and deployed in system as per standard requirements. Layout audit and its procedure is prepared and deployed by management representative, and management representative is responsible for each activities concern auditing and implementation, selection of qualified auditors and deployment of processes requirements for the audit are managed by management representative, qualified auditors are responsible for conducting audit of system to identify non conformance in system. For the conducting layout audit in system, auditors are prepared layout audit template for recording and manage activities during audit, see picture below is given example format of layout audit template for education purpose:
![Layout audit template](
Layout audit template covered all the particulars concern product and processes that conducting audit of activities and sub activities, inspecting and sampling of the product to ensure that product is maintained standards, technical and specific requirements. on base of the layout audit and its results, recommendations and outputs, management is determine action plan to improvement of product, processes and implementation of system.
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Layout audit Report
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