Laboratory sample audit process
Laboratory sample audit process is conducted to identification of improper, inaccurate process and prevent laboratory sample and testing that adversely affects on results of sample tests.
The purpose of the procedure is to identification of non-conformities in the sample testing, records and documentations, system deployed procedures and work instructions verifications to identify improper, inaccurate process and prevent adversely affect on independent decision and maintain confidentiality in laboratory. Laboratory sample audit also conducting the laboratory sample testing parameters verifications, inspecting the procedures and other concern information that directly impacts on the laboratory performance. Laboratory sample audit process and its concern records are established and maintained for the conducting laboratory sampling procedures to identify system and its requirements for sample testing, conducting and dispatching samples, certification of sample results and records maintain, all concern processes are inspected by auditors and identify non-conformance in case not met the standard requirements as per standards clauses & standard requirements.
Laboratory sample audit process is conducted to verify laboratory sample audit procedures; the audit is conducting deep audit involving assessment of each areas of the laboratory to contributing sample testing, sample records and other sample concern activities. Laboratory sample audit process is deployed in the system by management representative to identification of the system and its requirements, non-conformance that helps to determine improvement actions for continual improvement in the laboratory. Management representative is responsible for establish sample audit process and deployed in the system, selection of the qualified audit that conducting laboratory sample audit process, hence qualified auditors are responsible for conducting audit and identify system requirements for sampling and documentation for laboratory sample testing. Laboratory manager is responsible for conduct each non-conformance identified by auditors during audit tenure and determine action plan to improvement laboratory internal management system for improvement of laboratory performance.
The audit team is verify that the procedure sequences to conducting samples for the testing, procedure sequences should be maintained and all activities conducted with those samples and its procedures must interacts with other processes that possible to manage sample testing. Auditor are also verify that the each samples tested and its documentations are proper maintained, records are storage and analyzed as per sample requirements, and completed process as per documented procedure of sample testing and certifications standards. The audit team is conducting some format that manage those requirements and records, all the information are conducting during audit process are maintained in the laboratory sample audit form, see picture below given as example format of laboratory sample audit form for education purpose:

Laboratory sample audit process is covered some important sample concern activities that needs to verify in the laboratory processes as per standard operating procedures, The sample receiving and its registration process is first process that all process are concern step by step. The audit also covered sample collection, handling, storage for the sample handling and storage process, identification and traceability is manage as per given each sample individual identification numbers to track each sample in laboratory.
In the laboratory sample audit is also audit the areas and personnel are involved in the sample testing and certifications, maintenance department personnel, calibration team or responsible personnel, the audit process is verify all the calibration concern documents which equipment, machinery and devices are used for calibration, used in the sample testing to ensure that the measurements, accuracy maintained. in the sample testing and certification process test method, standard references and external documentation are used for the conduct testing process that audit team must verify testing methods and its concern procedure to ensure samples are conducted and tested as per standard requirements. on after the testing of the samples, laboratory provides reports and documentation, certificate to customer that each records is important for laboratory as services provides, hence dispatch of report and concern documents are audited during audit process.
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Laboratory sample audit form
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