Key Performance Indicator Daily records
This format is used for the month wise key performance indicator daily records purpose, when the company is targeting any single objective or key performance indicator for each department that recording of the each objective is very important day to day. Here the format is for individual objective record sheet for daily monitoring. For each key performance indicator are used individual format like if the company’s key performance indicator is “Save oil” that each department figures are captured day by day used. On base of the calculations, management understand which department is much aware for the saving oil in the organization, saving of the oil is basically depends on machine and other equipment used and its age. But the management are equally understand of the percentage on base of the machine conditions that how much oil is required to save on each machine. There are also possible that same machinery on different location that percent target is different due to age and working load of the machine.
Here is ready made format for key performance indicator daily record format for downloads: