Investigations potential non conformance in quality system
Investigations potential non conformance process is required to establishment for managing standard method to investigation and documentations in quality system.
Investigations potential non conformance process or procedure is needs to establish and deployment in quality system for determine effective standard methods to investigate all non conformance raised in internal management system and documentations all records of quality and non conformance by systematic way. In quality management system non conformance are raised when any activity, process, document or something which is not as per standard requirements or non compliance identified is nonconformity for particular part, document, method or process etc.., will be considered, for the compliance of nonconformity in system needs to proper management or standards method to communicate and proper investigate on subjects to potential non conformance for identification of compliance requirements in management system.
Management is responsible for proper execution of investigation potential non conformance in quality system, for the conducting the investigation management is determine the investigation methods and team are selected which qualified personnel with documented training are are provided to perform task. The management is responsible to investigation team is conducted proper methods and direction of investigation as per standard method. Investigation team is responsible to conducting standard methods and go ahead as instructions, and also for the identify root and suggest for proper action plan for elimination of nonconformity raised in quality system.
Investigation of potential non conformance is activity which taken particular nonconformity to investigation, investigation is conducted to consider standard methods where define some level of works to identify root causes of potential nonconformity reach on level where source cause of nonconformity raised, identification of sources of causes in not enough but effective action plan and its implementation is also needs, impacts on remains places should be equally implementation is also necessary at places as preventive action to eliminate possibility of nonconformity. The nonconformity investigation is conducted on potential nonconformity by teams to considering problem described in nonconformity report, as on identification root causes all the corrective action and preventive action is conducted, in the investigation root are defined on problem identified for reach to sources, in the investigation, major fields are commanding to identifications of potential root causes for proper containment. Investigation team is appointed by management to investigate nonconformity to identify root causes; the team is investigating the parts of the all concern elements and areas where nonconformity identified during the audit. Investigation team is preparing document which used during the investigation and all details are maintained in report to analysis information at end of investigation of nonconformity. See picture below given for references which is used by investigator team during the investigation of the floor, the format is given for education purpose which through whole direction of investigation can get and follow the method by investigation team accordingly:

The important for the investigation teams are understand the responsibilities for the identification of root causes, sources of causes, analysis and monitoring on the processes and supporting activities and when evaluate analytically method and its validation. In case the investigation is conducted to concern of manufactured product that needs to consider another product and it result to determine the causes of nonconformity. The investigations into potential non conformance are properly recorded on suggestions are provided in non conformance investigation report, all preventive actions are conducted on base of the report. The suggestions and comments on the non conformance should be detailed proposed changes and evidences like pictures, drawings, documents, reports and records are conducted properly with non conformance and investigations reports.
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Non conformance investigation report