Internal goods acceptance & communication
Internal goods acceptance & communication process conducted to provides goods and return management & communication with user departments.
Internal goods acceptance & communication process conducted to managing internal departments’ goods issues and returns & communication, user department’s internal goods transition, returning and managing goods for users that is department are managed by concern in-charge. Internal goods acceptance & communication process is manage on returning materials by user department, the materials which is received for internal used, processes and manufacturing requirements to complaining tasks are managed when returning to concern authority, the authority is verify returned goods and prepared documents for goods acceptance returned by user department, in case any parts, goods that still not returned are considered for deduction or considering for next transition. Internal goods acceptance process is conducted by store in-charge, and communicate with user department when they returned materials to store department, during the verification of returned goods, in case any query is generated that needs to communicate with user department for short out, and also needs to interaction on non-returned materials which are taken along with returned materials are managed & maintained requirements and procedure as deployed in system.
Internal goods acceptance process is managed by store department, and store in-charge is responsible for managing communication with user department, managing goods and its acceptance documentation, the records are managed and update accordingly. Store in-charge prepared document on receiving goods returned by user department, see picture below given as example format of goods acceptance papers or document used to managing & handle process of internal goods acceptance process, below picture provided for education purpose:

Goods acceptance papers are managed for recording information of the goods concern transitions, user department returned materials records and pending materials which are not returned are also mentioned and considering in communication, this format is managed the information on based of employee which is comes for returned goods and its records are maintained.
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Goods acceptance papers