Internal audit deviation documentation
The purpose of internal audit deviation documentation prepared for record identified deviation in internal management for eliminate cause of non conformity in system.
The audit process is provide for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for conducting internal audits of internal management system to identification of deviations in system. The process of internal audit deviation documentation are established and prepared for record all identified deviation in internal management system by auditors in internal audits to takes references of international standards, all identified deviation in management system is documented in internal audit deviation report for identify root causes of each deviations, identify source causes of non conformity and identification and implementation of corrective actions / preventive action for close all deviations in internal management system. The procedure of internal audit deviation documentations are applicable to all processes and activities of the internal management system and all locations where internal management system is applied and integrated scope of implementation.
Internal audit deviation documentation is prepared by internal auditor during departmental audit of company, in case any deviation is identified in the internal system that auditors are prepared internal audit deviation document as report to department for the improvement for particular areas, process or document to comply requirements of internal management system which is adopted as per internal management system. The responsibilities of compliance of each deviation of appropriate department and its follow up of deviation compliance is conducted by auditor, each deviation is separately documented by department with each corrective actions / preventive actions on base of root cause identification, whenever the actions plan is implemented within department, auditor is re-audit the area, process and documents for verification of implementation, when the audit is satisfied with its compliance that audit close the deviation noted in internal audit, see picture below for reference of internal audit deviation report:

When any deviation is identified and documented, additional processing of deviation documentations is related to corrective actions are conducted. On base of reporting, responsible department head is investigates source cause of deviations as deviation identified and proposes corrective actions are taken on initially and action plan is submitted to concern auditors, once the auditors are agree on corrective action plan that corrective actions will be fully implemented.
Internal audit deviation report is prepared by auditor and provided to department head for improvement, the deviation of each points should be conducted with description of objective evidences and its classifications, the classification of deviation case be observations, minor deviation or non conformance or major deviation, each major deviation identified should be on priority to comply by department immediately or on before time frame given in system to compliance. In the internal audit deviation report auditors are provides deviation details, on base of information, root cause analysis should be completed by department head for corrective actions and preventive actions on deviation identified, on base of the department head reviews of points, root cause and action planning, auditors are confirm or non conform actions at the deviation identified areas, process or document, on conformation department head is implement the actions on other areas, process and documents.
Before the action plan implementation, the follow up of each deviation responsibility of auditor and on conformation of agreed to closure of deviation which is verification of action shall return to internal auditors, auditors are verify details, effectiveness of actions are conducted and verify and agree for closure if the actions is acceptable for closure particular deviation. When the auditors are agree for deviation closure, lead auditor is finally verify all the actions, process and concern document and evidences of the actions and on approvals of lead auditor, deviation is closed respect to particular deviation report number.
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Internal audit deviation report