Intern evaluation – Human Resources Forms
Intern evaluation is intern of employee to analyze employee strengths & requirements of improvement by appraisal process.
Intern evaluation is identification of the intern strengths and possibilities of improvements to comply the requirements of the assigned or abilities to works on position that during the appraisal process that team is conducting all the information from the employee / supervisor, this process is same type of effectiveness checking of employee after the training that appraisal process is included to identifications and improvement of the individual person to comply requirements of the job, company policies and discipline. Intern evaluation is also called at internship evaluation of employee or internship performance evaluation to developing supervisor / employee as per standards requirements by arrange the intern programs for employee.
Intern evaluation is conducted periodic performance of individual person had taken for the process, in the intern evaluation need to defined characteristics of internship to focus on the basic requirements, learning and return as feedback for further requirements of learning process, appraisal team should identify the employee’s performance meeting and well exceeding on subject, and those areas are manage to provide works or adjust for employee to potential improvement.
Mostly organizations are conducting the internship evaluation in light atmosphere to comfort to both parties i.e. appraisal team and supervisor, during the meeting mostly appraisal team is discussion on employee’s strengths and weakness by communication with supervisor and discussion about the routine works & conduction of works, the process is conducted and recorded for the further analysis and get results of whole discussion by formal records in intern evaluation form, see picture below for reference of intern evaluation form:

As you can see the picture, all the concern feedback are taken from supervisor / employee by step by step with light discussion to understand employee sides to appraisal process comply and identify its strengths and weakness at the place where works or assigned duties. Generally intern evaluation form is prepared by human resources and human resources department is owner of this format but there are not required to appraisal process is conduct by human resources, that is all are depends on the requirements of the appraisal process on base of time and condition but the human resources department some personnel can attend the process for the understand of individual possible growth, benefits of company to posting the possible or substitute requirements as and when required.
Intern evaluation in the reporting and recording is beneficial for some reasons that interactions for the area to performance measure and adjustments, to evaluation become clearly. All the records are kept by human resources department for the further analysis to identify the requirement of actions to improvement of the efficiency of person and productivity.
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