Induction training to employee
Induction training is guidelines or procedure to aware new join employee about company, concern works and rules for the maintain discipline in company.
Induction training is initial training for the employee who are new join company, trainer are given training to all new join training about company and concern works with company rule and requirements of discipline in the company. During initial training each new employee has to engage with each activity and follow the faculty’s instruction to aware the each requirements, rules and job description for appropriate employee. This training is given one time training or initial training to provide by company for the compliance of requirements, preparation peoples for the works and aware terms and conditions of company to people should strictly follow during the works in routine shifts.
When management or directly human resource any recruitment conducted for any work in the company that human resource understand requirement of the designation assigned to employee, according to employee designation human resource department is arranging the training for the work concern instructions, company and other rules and requirements to maintain safety and discipline. Human resource contact with concern department head for the training and other job description for new join employee, there are also discus for the trainer and required training, on interaction with department head and trainers human resource department arranging training for new join employee. All the concern trainers are conducting the required job descriptions with induction training checklist to making the training in sequence, see picture below for the induction checklist which needs to refer by trainer to go in sequence in training schedules:

Induction checklist is prepared by human resources according to departmental and job requirements, generally in the induction checklist all the concern information of the company are involved, job description of the employee to aware the person with the routine duties. In the company introduction organization chart, general company policies and rules and product, service and workplace environment are aware to employee. In the job section, all about job description, introduction to department, area and supervisor and colleagues and staff are major part of section. In the company health and safety is prime requirements that health and safety policy, how to company risk assess, emergency procedure and safety precaution with first and fire safety training given. There are also important that employee should well aware about terms and condition of company that written terms and condition, contracts, working hours and calculation of payment method, holidays, leave provisioning are need to aware, probationary period and pension provisions should also covered if the company is provides such services. In the company if peoples are belong to different society that needs promise to employee that company should maintain policy of equal opportunities for everyone, generally in the section are covered opportunities and disciplinary with equal opportunity policy.
The details of the training and documents are given for the review including induction checklist for the further actions, in case review team identify and inefficiency that review team reporting for the further training to employee, this report is submitted at the end of the compliance to human resource for the record information.
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