Incoming materials bills documentation
Incoming materials bills documentation is established for incoming materials financial records maintain & systematically documentation.
Incoming materials bills documentation is preparations for the conducting records of each consumable goods, raw materials, tools and other material which is used in manufacturing processes, supporting processes, constructions and others which is used for company premises, The system of bills documentation is conducted to considering financial requirements. All incoming materials bills documentation established and maintained to preparation for financial records and comply requirements of the system which is made by management for material management & documentation. The document is prepared, maintain and update for the accounting purpose but also to managing the accounts for all the materials which is comes in the storage for the internal purpose. The materials which is comes in the storage are conducted by storage manager and concern invoices are collected for the accounting purpose and preparing bill register and enter the values and information to tally accounting for the cross examination with supplier accounts and company financial department, on base of the bill register accounting department is conducting the information and registering entry in accounting documents.
Bill register is records of all bills which is indicates the incoming materials values, taxes and duties, service tax and other taxes for the accounting with individual material values and surplus taxes for the indication of materials costs. Bill register is prepared and maintain by material storage department, off cause this document is indicating financial values and other taxes details but the reason behind the maintaining bill register by storage department due to bills are comes along with materials or on after reach at material at company and bills are also deliver at the storage location. The materials which is comes in storage department is directly comes on the storage locations, hence bills are also comes at same location that easier for tally all transitions, physically and documentation to match information by storage department, if the bills are deliver to accounting office that not easy to tally or match the information for accounting peoples, so its necessary to cooperate by storage department in recording information for accounting relatives. See picture below for reference for bill register prepared for reference; there individual materials and other taxes can be change as per materials, product requirements:

Bill register is prepared by storage department but purchase and accounting departments are used for its internal purpose, the document is fully manage to compare for the incoming material and its values with levies to compliance of financial requirements. The storage department is compare the materials against the bill number and date with visual material and financial department used the bill numbers with concern taxes and other financial details for the accounting purpose so its for both the department is useful format to compliance of its works appropriately.
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