Incident investigation

Incident investigation is the procedure to find out facts of the incident and identify risk as result incidents happen. Incident investigation is very important and need to patient by investigator during investigation, victims and witnesses both statements can be vary at time of first questionnaires as I personally experienced, but when we ask more questions that true situation comes out form mystery.
How to start incident investigation?
There are two many methods for the incident investigations but first we have to take attentions for which type of incident investigation are going for there are three types of incidents or accident:
- Incident / Accident – Major
- Incident / Accident – Minor
- Incident / Accident – Near Miss
What is Incident and Accident?
There are also possible that in the incident human injury or environmental no losses or impacted but financial losses can be prevent this is near miss, this kinds of the near miss can be big or minor accident in case not taken care.
In Accident having a same categories but there are little different that in accident human injury or environment impacts with minor or fetal impacts that is accident, a level of the accident that losses of the human health, environment and financial losses. The accidents also impacts on the company image too.
The incident investigation is required for the both the situation as we discussed above, generally all the information are need to collect to interact with victim and witness personal interview, locations where incident happen and situation of the time of the incident happen, during the personal interview overall picture are comes about that what was the really happen at time of incident when and how the happen further there are also get the idea conditions of the victim or condition of the equipments that situation of the incident raised.
Probably, when we go to plant for the incident investigation at movement format of incident investigation and our minds both are blank about the incident, during the interact with the personnel & location where incident happen, almost all the details are automatically flashing against us, this experience I personally feel when I were go to plan for the incident investigation.
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