Customer communication implementation is process to identify effective communication channels, develop and sustain at point of duties as manage particularly.
Overview to customer communication
Customer communication is establish when the customer having a requirements of product, materials for its internal requirements. An application that product or services needs to comply its requirements that customer is start communication with supplier by any media. Generally customers are sending emails or telephonic communication establish with supplier to conform the materials, technical discussion and commercial terms. That supplier is also verify its inquiry concern its product.
The marketing team is responsible for establishment or keep communication with customers once the inquiry receive by any media to click the order. Once the order is receive by marketing team, management is establish further communication with customer. As well internally for discussion with concern manager to producing materials as customer requirements.
On assignment of duties and role for particular order, concern people are individual start the communication with customer on its technical, commercials and other requirements to easier for both the parties for fulfill requirements of customer’s end applications.
How to implement customer communication at various channels
Customer communication establishment and effectively manage during the customer order under implementation are important. To effectively manage the tasks to conducting each activities and develop communication to conformation of data and information by any media.
The customer communication is manage generally for:
Receiving inquiry and provides quotation against the inquiry requirements where technical expecting, commercial requirements & specific, characteristic requirements concern communication is establish by marketing team.
The Core team
Receiving orders from customers & acceptance communication are needs to establish for further clarification. Semantically financial department, quality, management are communicate with customer for its appropriate acceptances.
Production team
The production peoples are verify the technical details, design & quality teams are also needs to verification. As well clarification of its concern issues and solution to easier for both parties to improvement of the product quality to meet end application specifications.
Quality team
The quality team are much needs to touching with customer that all the requirements are passing through quality hands. That may proper technical requirements, specifications, special characteristics, quality concern issues, end application requirements. These require tolerances in dimensions, inspection processes and testing requirements, special testing are needs. To directly communication are needs to establish and most the organization are managing direct touching to appreciate results.
Packaging & Shipping team
The shipping peoples are establish communication on completion of job from manufacturing as well quality. Once the product reach to packaging department that, shipping department communicate with requirements concern packaging and designing for the product. Shipping concern information are sharing with customers that generally transportation. As well delivery schedules and billing concern information are needs to deal with customers.
Financial team
The financial department are communicate with customer for billing and payment mode as well as taxes concern issues are needs to short out. And on completion of the all job marketing team is communicate with customer for sales after services to keep touch with customers for better relationship.
As the above given points are generally reasons and type of communication needs to manage tasks concern complete the order of customers. Its important for the organization to establish and maintain good lines of communication with the customer.
Customer feedback & keep attachment with,
The communication with customers are also manage on case of the any customer feedback including complaints should be handle by quality team. If the complaint related to product quality, and information needs to manage in customer complaint. The concern documents to resolve the problem by determine best methods to examine & testing the fault of product.
Implementation of product quality to manage corrective actions and preventive actions against the complaints and the causes & resolution of the complaint. It should be communicate with all relevant peoples within organization people to prevent re-occurrence.
The concern documentation for the communication is manage as department wise individual. Hence the audit for the whole communication with customer are manage separately.
Audit of Customer communication process
The audit for the customer communication is important part for the internal system. The documentation audit are manage by two ways, it should be internal audit or external audit conduct by qualified and authorized third party to provide certificate globally.
See picture below given as example format that use for the internal audit of the customer communication. The providing format is checklist that generally use to verify detailed information of whole the processes. The same the checklist manage to identification of non-conformity of customer communication processes.
See below picture provide for education purpose only:

About Customer communication audit checklist format
Customer communication audit checklist format is use to managing audit processes. The checklist is use to verify internal system of customer communication concern activities. The audit process is maintain to recording information by verify each activities require as per standard requirements.
What to include in customer communication checklist?
Generally customer communication audit is manage as below:
- The communication method is implement properly? What is scope of customer communication? And based that communication is implement?
- Is the evidence that there are good channels of communication with customers? And media use for the communication is sufficient and manage properly?
- The customer receives all the update at the time? The documentations are transfer and receive as expect?
- Are customer complaints dealt with the correct manner? All the feedback and customer complaints are manage correctly and listing communication with customer accordingly?
- Is there corrective action, preventive action implementation are verify by customers as communication and basic needs to approvals?
- Is there right person with right issues and solutions are manage? Customer know to whom talk on which matter? Or any system that implement to customer gets the right person to communicate on any query?
The documentation for the customer communications are verify during the audit as general points are given. The above points are general that depends on the internal system the points can be raise on requirements.
The audit records are manage to implementation as audit team is raise non-conformity and observations for improvement. To enhance customer communication level to gives customer satisfaction on right time. This checklist document is use for identification of the current status of customer communication processes and condition. Hence the audit team mention points are needs to clear by concern department in line non-conformity. The documentation are manage, update, storage and disposal is conduct as per documentation system.
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Customer communication audit checklist