Identification of significant environmental aspects
Identification of significant environmental aspects is preventive environmental control on aspects. The process gives assurance, if any environmental hazards are raise in new process this procedure will help you to identify, minimize or eliminate in future projects.
OSHA & ISO 14001 – management system is recommends to implement the proper system in organization. Which helps to identification of environmental aspect in regular tasks. The system determine environmental aspects from processes used in manufacturing & supporting processes. The procedure is help to determine, how to identify environmental aspects and how those are raising in new operation or processes.
The procedure should cover in line with the statutory, regulatory and local government requirements. So, It is extremely important for management implement this procedure effectively in organization. If the management effectively implement it, definitely environmental hazards will be reduce significantly. Management representative should verify whole system, and discuss with team for implementation.
How the process works !
The new established or developed processes need to identify environment aspects or require the additional indexing of new aspects. So on initial stages of development of processes or ongoing processes are verified by environment management representative and department heads shall be responsible for identification of changes in activities, product / services that either generating new aspects or existing aspects on initial stages. Environment management representative should review the indexed aspects by department heads for relevance and conformance with the guidelines and condition as responsibility assigned to monitoring & controls over the activities of each tasks that listed environment aspects.
In case of registered by any interested parties that is third parties for any new environment aspects identified, or by internal auditors / external auditors identified are reviewed in management meeting. The environment management team shall reviews the validity of the environment aspects lists and updates the register to ensure all ongoing aspects are captured and controlled; this process is conducted once in year.
Process Implementation
The documentation for the recording collected information form various locations are managed in environment aspect identification sheet register. Department wise records are maintained is environmental register. The aspects recorded in the various documents can be maintained in department. Company level which is handled by concern manager that is environment management representative. Each recorded environment aspects should be verified and evaluation managed once in three month.
The aspects are managed on priority of its significant values impacting on various processes, environment and human health, so its important for management representative to communicate with concern departments to records the all aspects and on defined time interval, all the aspects are managed on priority as significant aspect for evaluation and identification of controls to minimize, eliminate or substitute process deployment. See picture below example of significant aspect evaluation form for education purpose:

Document Management
This format is use for evaluation of significant environmental aspects. The team identify of environmental aspects in veracious processes and list out in environment register. New identified aspects are manage in the significant aspect evaluation as on priority setup. The format will helps to verify it’s significance impacts on environment, human health and government requirements.
The evaluation of aspects listed as significant values purpose is to elimination or minimizes its impacts to provide safe environment to peoples. On based of significant aspect evaluation results management can determine actions for define controls on the processes, activities and on materials use in processes. That may extra effort to minimize it, engineering controls at the locations, at machinery and equipment, design change of layout and third one is substitute processes used instead regular to eliminate it. The importance of environment aspects elimination from routine tasks is important for organization, its concern with human heath and environment so there is direct applicability of government laws.
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Significant aspect evaluation form