Human resources responsibility for solid waste disposal
Human resources responsibility for solid water disposal mentioned to assigned duties about solid waste disposal for employee’s health and safety concern.
Generally human resources are conducting works where employee individual accounts and concern clerical works are conducted, but human resource is directly concern with employee health and safety within company premises, human resource is responsible to verify areas, locations and identify in case any hazards can harm to human body and reporting to concern manager for it. Solid waste disposal and concern issues are also responsible for human resources department, because solid waste is in hazardous category can harm human health and violate safety, hence human resources is conducting the proper disposal theory or concern idea to proper disposal or verify the process of solid waste disposal is not violate system which made to consider human heath and safety.
Solid waste is in hazardous category that needs to proper process for handling, storage, moving and disposal as ways to minimum touch with human body or by inhale, human resource department conducting processes of inspection and verification of solid waste handling, storage condition and storage processes, movement of solid waste from various department to storage or storage to disposal places to ensure employee’s health and safety will be maintained during all above processes, human resources responsibility is to verify and inspect solid waste’s concern each activity and its processes are safe for employees working with it. For the verification and inspecting areas of solid waste and its disposal processes, human resources department is prepared documents to recording information from various department and storage areas as per process requirements, the document is prepared for inspecting those area is the checklist which helps to indexing all the issues and requirement of health and safety concern, in the checklist all required points are pre-loaded any executive level personnel can conduct inspection and verification of those areas, see picture below given example format for inspecting solid waste disposal, here as below given example format of solid waste disposal checklist for education purpose:

Human resources department’s executive are visits solid waste storage to verify processes and also conducting disposal processes to care of each processes are conducted as per defined processes to ensure health and safety of employee, there are also very the fitness of solid waste handler employee’s health and its certification by qualified doctors to declared and verified health for works, each employee who are working with solid waste that should be frequently medical check up is required hence human resource department is also needs to verify along with other criteria and same are human resources department are recording information in the checklist, here as below given some example checklist point which can helps to introducing checklist for solid waste disposal process inspection for in-house requirements:
- Is there work instructions, standard operating procedures are available with department and deployed to each employee can read it?
- Whether work instructions and standard operating procedures are covered all processes and activities within department?
- Is there any document maintained incoming and outgoing transitions of solid waste storage? Or any register available with it?
- Are there each department having proper temporary waste storage bins? How department is segregate solid and other waste?
- Solid waste disposal method is identified by concern management? Is there process and method is deployed are proper and in considered health and safety requirements of employee?
- Whether employee health condition is verified regularly during employment? What is frequency?
- Area there solid waste storage and disposal area’s employee’s medical health checkup is conducted? What are required criteria for fit and what is important for safe?
- Recently medical checkup information is available with department? Any new employee is verified and checked for health?
- Is there all concern employees are proper trained for first aid practices?
- Is there any diseases identified with any employee? What kind of disease is that?
- Is there primary facility is available with storage and handling department for storage and handling department?
- After completion of duties, each employee having facilitated for proper hand washing? Bath and other facilities for clean up body.
Human resources department is conducting all possible points and identify issues in solid waste handling, storage and disposal processes areas, working employees issues and its requirements are monitoring and inspecting locations to determine possible actions for improve quality of works and provide safe environment for employee. In the company human resources role is important for employee health and safety and its commitment are important for employee to managing and compliance of health and safety standard requirements.
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Solid waste disposal checklist