Human resources process for recruitment of employees
The purpose of the process of human resources for recruitment of employee is conduct each recruitment process by systematically.
Human resources process for recruitment of employee is the procedures for the human resources department to conducting systematically recruitment processes of employees as appropriate requirements of internal departments, the system is established on requirements of internal departments, on new project establishment or any other reasons human resources are arranged recruitment process, the process is applicable to recruitment of management peoples including human resources department peoples who are dedicated for employee concern works and recruitment process. For the recruitment processes are conduct on company established policies and terms and conditions which generally assurance to posting right people at right position are on higher understanding of human resources policy for recruitment. The process of recruitment is started when any department requirements to raised requisition for the new recruitment / replacement are comes by any individual department, whenever human resources department received any requirements they had to conformed to management concern for acknowledge of recruitment or for approvals, once the approval process is complete that further processes are proceed. Individual department is request to human resources department by written documents as requisition of manpower, probably the document called manpower requisition form owner is human resources but whenever any vacancies found or any task is not assigned to any one due to shortage of manpower that department is collect the format of manpower requisition format for the proper documentation and maintain request system, see picture below is example given for education purpose:

On received and approval of manpower requisition form, human resource department is conduct recruitment processes to compliance of vacancies raised in requester’s department, for the recruitment of the manpower; human resources department is considered competency or skill matrix to ensure qualification and skill requirement of candidate as per vacancies raised. Some companies are conducting campus interview in universities for which students are on final years of degree course, but campus interviews are only possible for some posts, generally companies are conducting interviews at company’s premises on demand of department levels.
When the department’s internal employee is conducting works or accept duties of employee who had given resigned, terminated or retired, in those condition human resources will be recording the concern information and conducting records for changes of job duties only, but the situation raised for new employee required for particular job that above requisition form is conducted and process are considered for recruitment. All the terms and conditions of company, job required experience and qualification and candidate’s expectations are match that candidate will be selected on approval of concern management. Before appointment in the company should need to bring medically fit and favorable replies from references of candidate, generally the task of fitness test are conducted in during probation period, and after approvals human resources department is arranging induction training and on job training for employee for acknowledge works and company policy.
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