Human resources and administration audit – HR Audit
Human Resources and administration audit documentation is established to conducting human resources activities to identify system to determine system direction and non-conformity.
Human Resources and administration audit documentation is prepared and established to conducting all the parts and activities of human resources for verification and identification of the human resources internal system to determine system requirements, and direction of the system roots, human resources audit is recorded all the documents and records are verified for identification of non-conformity in the system to improvement of system as per standard requirements. Human resources administration auditing and verification of the documentation processes are conducted as per frequency defined in internal management system, records of human resources are managed and verified to compare the activities and current system requirements.
Human Resources and administration audit process establishment and improvement are conducted by internal management system’s management representative to verify human resources administration internal system for improvement, during internal auditing in case any non-conformity identify that human resources manager is responsible for complied all requirement in line with non-conformity. Management representative is responsible for conducting procedures and deployment of audit procedures, and also for selection of qualified auditors for audit human resources administration audit. For the conducting human resources auditing, the documentation and checklist are needs to prepared and maintained during audit process, here as below given example format for checklist which used in audit, see picture below given of HR administration audit checklist for education purpose:

In HR administration verification checklist some important points are merged to easier for audit, the points which are used in audit which is pre-loaded in checklist for audit purpose are mentioned for the audit purpose, in the documentation of checklist is conducting information concern the human resources regular processes where recruitment, competency and all the designation records and identification records are merged. Audit checklist covered training and its effectiveness records and information, calendar and orientation program of employee, there are also covered that communication boards, security and other information which is concern with administration, and legal compliance are verified of system. The documentation are handled and managed for compliance of internal management system.
There are another thing that directly concern with human resources, HR administration and general administration of organization is security, when we are conducting human resources and administration audit that also needs to verify general security steps that taken by management in workplaces, see below some checkpoint that describe checklist audit of security concern:
- Are there all the walls are on proper height? Where walls are not built, there are fencing available?
- Are fencing, barriers, gates are in good condition? Is there any holes, gap?
- Is there fencing contact with ground?
- Are gates are properly secured & functional? Is there any malfunctioning in operating?
- Around the company walls, proper lighting is deployed? Or lighting is sufficient for it?
- Do landscape features provide places for potential intruder to hide?
- At vehicle Parking area, traffic flow pattern been established? All drivers are followed it?
- At parking slot, all the indicators points like entry pointer, exit pointer are clearly identified? And clearly readable in night light?
- At Packing area, for Staff, for visitors, for trailers etc.. Are defined? Peoples are following it?
- At packing area, CCTV Cameras are deployed? Who is monitoring? CCTV Cameras are deployed to visible whole parking area for monitor?
- At parking area, all vehicles are properly packed?
- All company vehicles’ keys stored at secure cabinet or with responsible person?
- All doors are solid wood or metal fabricated?
- Are all windows protected with locking devices, metal bars or other means?
- Are exterior roof access points properly secured?
- All the external / internal doors are properly locked and secured?
- Is alarm system components are properly working?
- Is there admissions at storage rooms are restricted? All the required security is updated?
- Is there high valued materials are storage at separate place that security & monitoring?
- At the high valued materials / high risk material storage are equipped at CCTV cameras to monitoring?
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HR administration verification checklist