Housekeeping standard process & documentation
Housekeeping standard process is establish and maintain for conducting housekeeping activities to various department as per requirements and instructions.
Housekeeping standard process are preparation and deployed to conducting activities of housekeeping by systematic ways in all department of company as housekeeping instructions and requirements of the housekeeping in company. The system is create to making all department clean and dust free, all machine, equipment, files all the places and areas in workplace. Housekeeping standard process and its documentation is applicable to activities carried out at all departments, workplaces and services. Housekeeping is also helpful for safety point of view, so management actively monitoring on the housekeeping and concern activities.
Human resources department is prepared housekeeping documentation and also responsible to applicable to all departments in the company, and also needs to follow that all concern peoples are follows that housekeeping standard processes whenever activities are taken in workplaces. Housekeeping standard processes are operative manual for the housekeeping works assigned peoples and same should be follows in the working environment during working condition. Housekeeping standard process is the method or instruction note which is step by step understand about tasks, safety concern issues and care point during the working time and its very important that reason is the housekeeping also conducted at the heavy machinery, equipments, electrical panels and heavy duties environments also needs a housekeeping that in conditions workmen needs a proper instruction to safely conduct any task of housekeeping and proper duties and task can complete in the time. Human resources department is prepared housekeeping log book for daily recording the information after completion of task, housekeeping log book is complete informative format of the regular task of each department, locations and area where regularly housekeeping works are done. See picture below given example format for housekeeping log book which is filled by peoples who are conducing housekeeping task:

Housekeeping log book is established by human resources department for the conducting department wise housekeeping task, conducting cleaning and other supporting process are prepared to systematical housekeeping process can conduct by employee with care of safety during working hours. The system process is created for employee safety who is conducting tasks in workplaces, mostly in safety precaution are:
- Personal protective equipment used during working time and how to used personal protective equipment.
- How to clean areas at near about machinery, equipments and heavy machineries.
- When needs to cleaning at working on height what takes care for safety conduct task.
- At the chemical storage room or chemical processes safety precautions, like fume mask as per chemicals.
- How to clean gangways safely where taking care of any metal strips or any hard material can harm.
Above all are general points that includes in the housekeeping standard process to manage safety of all peoples who are required safety during working on workplaces.
In the documentation, housekeeping log book is fulfill by housekeeping supervisor, whenever the task is completed that name of person is write down in task performed by in the housekeeping logbook and also ask to department head for the inspect area which is cleaned or housekeeping process is conducted, on approval of the housekeeping task that department head is signed as verified by in log book for complete task cycle. In housekeeping log book, department wise task is completed and same are verified by authority to cross examination.
On completion of full working days or on end of month this format is submitted to human resources department by housekeeping supervisor for further action, human resources department is conduct analysis on the housekeeping log book, identify reasons and searching the solutions in case the task are not performed on some days are identified in housekeeping log book.
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