Out of house repair documentation
Out of house repair documentation is established to recording repair of equipment and devices are sending for restoration to external parties.
Out of house repair documentation is prepared, maintain and update by quality department for the conducting if the out of house repair is conducted for the particular product like measuring devices, equipment and measuring instrument, in case of the product concern with other areas like production or supporting process that concern department is responsible for the conducting tasks, but here we are considering only measuring devices, equipment that used for the quality processes and inspection of the product concern, hence quality concern processes used and equipment are used for various quality processes are managed by quality department, the records for the out of house repair requirements are identify by quality peoples and provided to concern authority for the requirements of the repair of equipment, instrument and devices are used in quality processes. Quality manager is received their requirements and sending to related services providers for further repairing and replacement of the part with sent materials.
Out of house repair documentation is maintained by quality department, and quality manager is responsible for conducting those activities by providing guidelines, deployment of procedures, monitoring on activities and controlling on it. The quality manager is responsible for managing records of out of house repair measuring equipment, measuring instrument and quality supporting materials that needs to give for repairing purpose to external parties are managed and follow up, concern documentation and records are managed. The document for the recording information the equipment, measuring devices and instrument given for repairing purpose are maintained in out of house repair log, see picture below given as example format of out of house repair log for education purpose:

Out of house repair log format is used to recording information of measuring equipment, devices, instrument and other quality related equipment are given for repairing purpose to external parties, the records are managed and update by quality department. The records and its documentation are used for tracking equipment given for repair to external parties. The documentation are handled by quality department, its storage and disposal are conducted as per standard system and retention period defined by management.
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