Heavy equipment operation and time sheet
Heavy equipment operation and time sheet process for managing routine works, activities, and analysis to ensure heavy equipment efficiency and productivity.
Heavy equipment operations and heavy equipment time sheet is assisting to understand activities of heavy equipment in regular activities, manufacturing process and supporting activities, role of the heavy equipment in manufacturing processes with conducting activities are helps to identify individual heavy equipment efficiency, identified level of efficiency and used helps to improvement of overall equipment efficiency in the regular task, the reason behind the time sheet is analysis the activities and concern trouble in routine processes of heavy equipments. All the operations of heavy equipment of daily basis conducted in time sheet, breakdowns of the heavy equipments and other reason behind the stoppage of heavy equipment are mentioned and considered for the analysis to maximize use of equipment in routine works.
Heavy equipment operations are important for manufacturing processes & supporting processes, regular operation can be lifting, moving, transfer materials, supporting directly in the processes or indirectly to effect the manufacturing activities are considered. There is important to each activity of heavy equipment are properly record, documented breakdowns, other reasons behind the heavy equipment is not performed in regular task. Those activity, events and its documentations are considered by management, analysis each event and breakdowns for some positive actions to maximize its productivity. See below picture for heavy equipment time sheet, which is conducted by heavy equipment supervisor with daily basis, all the daily records are important for the management, so here as below given example format for heavy equipment time sheet:

Heavy equipment time sheet is conducted by heavy equipment supervisor with contribution of heavy equipment operator individually, this format and activities, records are maintain by equipment management team and same the heavy equipment time sheet is reviewed by equipment manager, this format is used in the process regular basis, records and documentations are manage accordingly, equipment manager is also consider all the documents checking, verification and organized for analysis on monthly basis, by analysis complete view is comes against equipment management and same are proper actions planning and implementation is established.
As per heavy equipment time sheet, equipment management consider breakdowns separately for analysis to understand what kinds of problems are facing during the operation, what is the root cause and source of the breakdowns. The facts sheet is helps to improvement and helps to reduction in nos. of breakdowns of heavy equipment, for the analysis Perato chart is best ways to identifications, managing priority or breakdowns reasons & preparation of actions plan on high prioritized reasons to eliminate or minimize impacts on regular works. There are most important points are also need to consider, which is directly affecting heavy equipment productivity and efficiency:
- Some time materials / parts are not available with equipment that equipment will be free during time, those records are considered.
- Due to some management leakages, communication gaps and other reasons material is not reach to equipment on time that heavy equipment operators are wait for the materials or order to perform task that time is being waste on particular reasons.
- Movement of locations, areas are also affecting the heavy equipment productivity, when the equipment is against and again move one place to another place that duration is considered as non productive.
- Manpower is one of the important parts that due to mismanagement or due to other reasons, manpower is not available or insufficient manpower can affecting heavy equipment works and productivity.
- And some other reasons that directly affecting heavy equipment productivity and individual efficiency is considered and analysis by equipment management.
On end of the month all the daily heavy equipment time sheet taken for breakdown wise, reason wise separately analysis are conducted to identify reasons and root causes for the improvement, this format and its records are maintain by equipment management & rest of analysis are conducted along with maintenance, production & other concern department for improvement in heavy equipment productivity.
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Heavy equipment time sheet