Heath and safety system violations in workplace
The procedure is established for identify serious violation that hurt health & safety system, that contractor get notification on violation of system.
The procedure / process is established, maintained and update by health and safety management / management representative for identification of serious violation / activities that violate health and safety system requirements / terms that are considered and each serious violation / activities are managed to warn / notification to contractors / sub contractors get the notification from management as the actions to determine further activities in the workplaces, corrective actions / preventive actions as per health and safety system requirements. The inspection and monitoring team / audit team are verifying the activities in the workplaces and identify non-conformance as per heath and safety system, in case any activities / process is identified that immediately reporting to management for the further actions, management is reviews records and documentation are provided by inspection team, the management team is determine actions on base of the documentation, the action can be in form of termination of contracts / stop activities and hold the project until identified non-conformance is not complied or the declared to continual work with some changes, the documentation of the inspection and verification of the process / activities are conducting in the workplaces are very important to each workman should be secure from risks.
The purpose of the procedure of identification and notification to contractors for activities that directly or indirectly harm clauses of health and safety system, the system is identified and maintain by management by conducting and verification of clauses requirements of health and safety system for manage proper safe environment of workplace. Management team is conduct those identified activities for further actions, on base of the records of non-conformances, team is determine actions to notify violation identified in activities which are under contractors, management is sending notification of health and safety to contractor to immediate correction, corrective and preventive actions for continue works. See picture below given as format of notification of health and safety violations form for education purpose:

Notification of health & safety violations form is conducted by management for notify works that conducting in workplaces by contractors, the management team is gives notification of health and safety violation form with detailed information of the violation happened in workplaces which are under contracted / assigned works for completion any project task. Contractors should be conduct each non-conformance identified by inspection teams for the compliance accordingly health and safety system, in case any activities are not possible to comply that possible to management stop works or termination agreement with contractor for ever or temperately. The system is designed for the verification of health and safety system with activities / processes are conducted under contractors’ assigned works and smooth the health and safety system in workplaces.
The documentation for the notification of health & safety violations and general form that used on the violation occurred, the format is very important part for the contractors and management for communications, improvement and all the required actions are conducted on base on it, hence the document is maintained and records are conducting as per standard system, and all the records are maintaining is recommended for long retention period.
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Notification of health and safety violations form