Handling nonconformity and analysis
Handling nonconformity and its action report is method or process for documenting nonconforming and deployment of actions to elimination and impacting on process to controls.
Non conformity handling and action plan is process or method to documentation covered all non conformity identified in the existing system are controlled by proper collection of non conformity and its data to analyze root causes to deployment of controls to elimination of nonconformity and action impact on other process to eliminate possibilities of nonconformity. The purpose of handling nonconformity and action report is analysis where identified at the customer end, supplier end and in internal system at the manufacturing and supporting activities. Handling non conformity and its analysis is conducted for the identify causes of nonconformity though root causes identification method for determine control measures and deployment controls at the places where nonconformity identified. Here nonconformity records and its handling processes is not only at the manufacturing unit, but its covered supplied end raised nonconformity, customer end application which directly concern with product and supplier nonconformity which impacting on the manufacturing processes and product purchasing from supplier.
The process will be covered all the nonconformity and areas where identified, the responsible of compliance for all nonconformity identified is management representative and respective department head, in case of supplier or customer end nonconformity is follow up by management representative to compliance and action reporting support is provided and responsible for activities for the same. All the raised nonconformity should be proper documented and proper analysis is required, generally management representative collective all the nonconformity and its analysis through identified which nonconformity is where raised and still how many nonconformity are open at the place. For the analysis of documented and records by nonconformity action status report is conducted where all the information merged in single analysis sheet, see picture below given for reference and education purpose:

Nonconformity action status report is helps to identify and segregate nonconformity as supplier wise, customer wise and internal management system separately, all nonconformity and its taken actions records are also helps to managing all open nonconformity, focus on root cause on required nonconformity actions and reporting to merge system requirements. The information are conducting the total days of resolved issues of each nonconformity that showing the information is very important for the management representative to takes the necessary action in follow up system to departmental peoples are take attention for each nonconformity raised at appropriate areas. Total average resolve days of nonconformity is average of all nonconformity raised during the period, average resolve days also need to monitoring and try to minimize days of resolve by proper follow up on each nonconformity compliance, the task is helps to management representative due to whole report is generated by management representative and all the functions are managing, analysis, follow up actions, action plan on the nonconformity & close on appreciate time is motive of the report which generated and conducting strongly actions by referring information from this report.
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Nonconformity action status report