How to handle Customer complaints to obtain solution
The process purpose is the manage system for dealing with customer complaint to obtain solution, analysis complaints for enhance quality of product.
The company operates a system to handling with product quality complaints, service complaints or any other defects which having the raised customer complaints and how to handle customer complaints to obtain solutions not only for customer satisfaction increased but its also helps to identify treats in product quality, product services & other supporting processes. On raised customer complaints by call outs from the customers that all the complaints are handled by experienced personnel to visit sites, observe customer end’s product manufacturing to identify defects in the product due to end application or supplied the material with defects and exposed in customer end process. Inspection team is analysis the information by visited customer premises where product is being used or installed, system for the handling customer complaint are maintained to customer satisfy with the solutions and keep with the company for further orders.
Generally customer calls are received by marketing peoples and share with production and quality personnel for further actions. The responsible person is to process complaint, review information and complain details to identify causes of complaint, to carry out corrective actions if the required with product or system on after the situation is understand by quality team, quality team is visit customer premises to attending complaint material and raise investigation on respective department where complaint raised due to product quality or other defects.
Marketing department whenever received call from the customer for the product concern problem, marketing peoples are immediate prepare initial customer complaint form for the recording information for the further actions, this form is fill up and forwarded to concern department for further investigation and short out the issue. See here as below picture of initial customer complaint form:

On completion of the initial customer complaints, marketing team forward to concern department with initial customer complaint form copy for the further actions and investigation upon complaint’ information, customer complaints can be concern with product, process or services that marketing team is decided by communicate with concern department for the identify type of complaint initially issued by marketing on base of customer provided information, on base of communication marketing team determine complaint type it can be technical issues, product quality concern, packing or other type of complaints are classified to easier for the investigation and same will be raised by marketing team.
Concern department and responsible person for the product or process must establish expand nature of complaint to followers are understand actions plan and implementation for the solve it, in case of problem is solve without visit at customer end that all the possible actions are taken and same are acknowledge to customer, if it can not solve without visit, team arranging to visit at the customer end to further process and investigate complaint on suitable situation. Investigator team is conduct the product to analyze product damages, cracking, condition, packing, labels or any other defects as part of investigation; quality team is conducting testing to understand properties of product to identify defect cause.
On identification of the cause of defect / problem that corrective actions are taken to comply the requirements of the customers, if the problem is not possible to solve that team is communicate with customer for the further actions that can be replace the material or claim the material as assessment necessary.
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