Food recipe change process establishment needs to managing change of food recipe as modification or additional in recipe are manage in process.
Food recipe change process establish, maintain and update for managing records of food recipe modification or additional in food recipe. To managing regular tasks to improve food processing. The food recipe change process is manage by concern management i.e. general manager / production manager as per internal request or external that is customer request for food recipe.
The purpose of procedure is to manage food recipe modification on customer request of internally request given by concern management. The process for food recipe improvement are manage to considering values of food product. It is modification / amendment or improvement in the contents are change. On as per requirements and on approvals of concern authority. The food recipe change process and its implementation are manage by production manager in line with food standards and recipe.
Who will perform?
Food recipe change process is establish by general manager / production manager and responsible for managing all the tasks concern the food recipe change. The documentation for change apply on request of internally or customer end request are consider. Its modification, amendment or addition in food recipe are consider for change. The change records are maintain accordingly.
The records are manage for analysis to identify the causes of change, actual change in recipe manage for quality of food product. See picture below given as example format of food recipe change log for education purpose:

Food recipe change log format
The food recipe change log format is use to recording information of the food recipe change for making a regular tasks for production lines. The food recipe change log format is cover all the change apply in the food recipe system. Its records are manage where document issue numbers, process owners, affect process name, reason for change and revision that applicable in the system is manage as food recipe in sequence. The documentation for food recipe records and its amendment are manage as per documentation system.
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Food Recipe change log