Food packing audit process
Food packing audit process is established to ensure food packing and its activities are conducted as per standards and complied food packaging standards.
Food packing audit process is prepared and deployed for the conducting food packing processes, verification of food packaging materials and supporting activities to identify non-conformity in the food packing system, standards requirements of food packaging and materials used in packaging to improvement of food packing processes and improvement of quality of food packaging materials to provides product with more quality to customer for customer satisfaction. Food packing is important part for the food processing company that depend the product quality after product dispatched from location of manufacturing unit, food packaging and its standards are needs to considered for quality of product, and also that food packaging materials should be managed and improvement of the quality of materials on monitoring of packaged product to communicate with packaging product manufacturing company to provides packaged food product information. Food packing audit is also conduct the information on after food product packaged to identify approx time of product quality maintains.
Food packing audit process is established by management representative and responsible for provides guidelines and procedure to conduct food packing department audit by qualified auditors, management representative is also responsible for selection of qualified auditors, provides training to conducting audits and scope of audit to conduct food packing department audit and identify non-conformity to improvement system and internal management system of food packing. Food packing department head is responsible to cooperate to auditors and conduct all non-conformity raised during the audit, department head is responsible for preparation of action plan and implement within department as in line with non-conformity raised. Qualified auditors are responsible for conducting each activities of food packing department, verification of food packaging materials and analyze and verify packaged food product to identify time frame of quality maintained of packaged food. During the audit, audit team is conducting food packing inspection checklist and all details are mentioned for recording purpose, see picture below given as example format of food packing inspection checklist for education purpose:

Food packing inspection checklist is prepared by management representative with contribute by food packing department head to managing all the requirements of the food packing department inspection and verification to maintained and improvement of system, in the food packing inspection checklist all the activities and mostly food packaging materials are verified, internal system and quality of the product after packaged materials are verified for improvement to identify solutions for improvement packaging materials quality. Some points that help to determine status of food packing department see points which are used in food packing inspection checklist:
- Check there are packing locations, areas, storage locations should free from leakages of products
- Whether All product are properly labeled with batch numbers, manufacturing date and other important details like ingredients, expiry date of the product etc..
- Whether packing of the product is completed in protected and cleaned environment? Is there packing room is clean & without micro dust?
- Whether packing materials are food grades? The packaging materials are certified and verified by quality peoples?
- Whether packing materials are storage proper location?
As above some general questions are given which are needs to care of the packaging materials and for verification of the food packing department, the documentation are maintained and update as per requirements of standards and audit team is raise non conformity on base of the standards and verification of physically to packing department.
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Food packing inspection checklist
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