facility planning process in operations management
What is facility planning?
The strategic facility planning process is determining the appropriate allocation of resources and infrastructure to performance & maximize utilization in operational management.
Facility planning or business planning are implemented to organize all the available resources & infrastructure through manage the concern activities and processes. To ensure that the its performance at on maximum capacity to increase the utilization in the facility. The facility planing or business planning cover all the business related activities. The facility planning purpose is to managing all the activities conducted for manufacturing and supporting, quality concern, raw materials management, resources engaged with various processes. Infrastructure used for organization works are covered, and managed effectively. This procedure is conducted by management team at various levels to communicate with departments and reviews the information collected for implementation. The management review meeting and general review meeting had conducted the planning issues and its concern for improvement of facility planning.
How to Plan?
The facility planning is management responsibility and needs to communicate with all the department head to discuss on the points / agenda raised by management representative to implement in the organization. The facility planning setup and its implementation are important for the organization. To establish sustainable internal management system to achieve goal, customer satisfaction and quality work from resources. The management should establish the cross functional team / or planning team to arrange the tasks as agenda defined. The management representative is intimate to all the teams members that initial meeting on facility planning are arrange and discussion on agenda defined. All the team members are prepared its own agenda, and discuss in the meeting to effective implementation. The basic facility planning agenda / points can be list as below:
- Current market segments & market prospects
- Customers, employee, suppliers and investors requirements
- Define and achievement of internal performance indicators / key performance indicators
- Identification of opportunity for improvement / key experience
- Monitoring on performance of competitors
- Social / environmental / safety and legal issues
- Status of economic indicators
- New technology implementation, machinery and equipment – error proofing system
- Implementation of system, addition, improvement of existing facilities for automation
- Work environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements, safety and potential risk to employee during design and development of product.
See example format of facility planning agenda format for education purpose:

“Facility Planning” Related agenda is part of business planning. This planning is conducts to enhance the business, reputation in the market. In the general review meeting, all the management peoples are discuss on agenda. The facility planning agenda is important at its place. The documentation of all the planning and its related documents are managed as per standard documentation system.
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Facility planning agenda