Expense claim
Expense claim is set of bills provide to organization which spend person money for organization requirements that pay back to claimant.
Expense claim is declaration of amount paid for organization requirements, which claim to provide set of bills to pay back, the accounting system is collecting set of receipts, bills and other evidence for the further processes. Expense claim is individual process that conduct when any employee is pay money for organization works / requirements of any materials or services at immediate requirements, and later employee claim for that money which paid for some works and with concern bills, receipts or any evidence that provide to company to claim that amount is paid for company works and needs returned, when the accounting peoples get the expense claim done by employee for company works that verify and paid amount to employee, hence the expense claim is cleared this way. The records for the expense claims are maintained in petty cash system if the transition of daily cash flow is huge, other wise accounting peoples are managed separately.
Expense claim process is part of accounting system, all the concern activities and processes are managed according to account management system and its procedure that each process should be manage & handled accordingly. Expense claim is the processes which concern with financial transitions and accounting system are maintained on documents are provided by concern peoples are made transitions. The document which should needs to prepared to payback money from spending amounts for company works are managed and request is send to accounting department by expense claim form, see picture below given as example format of expense claim form for education purpose:

Expense claim form format is used for describe information of expense are made by person and spend money for company works are mentioned, and claim for return back money against bills, receipt of any other evidence provide with expense claim form as attachment, generally all the concern proof are needs to attach with expense claim form and on base of the verification of each proof, accounting department is fund the amount to concern person, the system is maintained by accounting peoples and responsible personal are guide to concern person for expense claim to easy to manage activity.
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Expense claim form