Evaluation of legal compliance process
Evaluation of legal compliance process is established to managing legal requirements in the processes and evaluate as per standard processes for compliance in system.
Evaluation of legal compliance process is established by legal department to managing all the legal concern requirements in the regular processes as per government rule and applicable sections as per factory acts & other applicability like environmental requirements & employment rules are conducted, in the company all the regular works are conducted and monitored for the identify requirements of acts and rules to complied as per legal needs. The system is established for the identify activities of manufacturing and supporting processes within the company premises to arrangement of compliance actions as standards requirements of legal. Evaluation of legal compliance is conducted for evaluate and comply requirements month wise / six month or annual are as per instructed by government rules and regulations.
Evaluation of legal compliance is legal register where all applicable acts and rules are conducted and monitored with all the activities of company, when any process is matched with legal requirements that in the evaluation of legal compliance format, in the format on by one all activities where applicable legal requirements that maintained in it. Evaluation of legal compliance process is conducted by legal team and prepared the format which used to recording information of each activities and applicable rules and acts to analyze information on monthly / annual views, see picture below given example format for evaluation of legal compliance format for education purpose:

Evaluation of legal compliance records, activities, monitoring and controls are conducted by legal team and responsible to conducting process to comply requirements of acts and rule as per government guidelines. In the evaluation of legal compliance are needs to managing each acts and rules, sections and against company should maintain its standard procedure for the guidelines of internal management and concern peoples to follow and maintain system as acts and rules mentioned. The reports and records of the legal requirements and against compliances are maintained separately, and each reports and documentation are prepared and maintained as per responsibility assigned by management for particular works. To maintain internal activities for compliance are managed as per works and its verification frequency are considered for inspection / audit of each sectors and department, process of manufacturing and supporting process. As the same views legal team is also maintain the records and summary of compliance & effectiveness records in evaluation of legal compliance, in the records monthly analysis are conducted where all the dues dates and against total compliances are maintained for identify compliance percentage in the particular month as result of analysis. All the records are maintained and updated as per internal process and management requirements but is should be met to minimum requirements of government rules and acts and on the same all records are storage and disposal process is conducted.
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Evaluation of legal compliance