Environmental announcement
Environmental announcement is statement or massage about environment concern issues, declaration or improvement to all peoples of organization.
Environmental announcement is process that conducted for addressing and declaration of environment concern issues that happened in the organization, declaration or massages for any requirements or resources change or any improvement to addressing all the peoples of organization, the environmental announcement can also needs to managing any tasks that concerning and sharing with all the peoples of organization that directly addressing and target the peoples of organization with single statement, and also the same statement / declaration i.e. announcement are managed in the written format to all the department individually or general notice board, through email system or any other system that easy to targeting with single massages to all bodies of organization. Environmental announcement process is managed by concern authority, generally higher authority which belong to management team leader or management representative can issues or declare environmental announcement which applicable to all peoples of organization and its activity, the scope of environment concern processes, activities and supporting movement are covered & should applicable, the system also should be flexible to manage each change and modification of any kind.
Environmental announcement process is conducted by management personnel or management representative, and responsible for declaration and follow up the processes, changes and modification required in internal management system with each stages of manufacturing and supporting processes, along with processes that directly affecting environment, implementation procedures, monitoring and controls over activities that directly or indirectly affecting environment, that needs to proper management and system should flexible to amend and implement further requirements or raised issues and its solution concern environment. The environmental announcement documents are generated and handled by management representative, and its records are maintained daily basis, see picture below given as example format of daily environmental announcement for education purpose:

Daily environmental announcement format is used to managing records of each announced by management representative or management personnel, the records are maintained to registering information of announced in daily basis where time of announcement, announced the subject though which media, environmental announcement subject is in center of the information and brief details of announcement are managed in the records, and also managed of written or recorded announcement are publicly managed through any media or notice board display are general to reach each one of organization.
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Daily environmental announcement